CID Iron Candy Couta Casting


The CID Iron Candy Couta is a versatile casting lure that’s deadly on mackerel, tuna and many other pelagics. It features a spoon-like profile that shimmies on the drop and zips arrowlike through the water on a fast retrieve. The angled face also allows you to skip it across the top to imitate a fleeing garfish, pilchard or saurie. Cast it from the boat, spin it off the beach or sling it from the stones – whatever your method for chasing pelagics, the Couta is a must-have in the tackle box!

#1 – 28g | #2 – 45g

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#1 Pink Glow
#2 Chart Flash
#2 Green Glow
#2 Pink Glow
#2 Red Head

The CID Iron Candy Couta is a versatile casting lure that’s deadly on mackerel, tuna and many other pelagics. It features a spoon-like profile that shimmies on the drop and zips arrowlike through the water on a fast retrieve. The angled face also allows you to skip it across the top to imitate a fleeing garfish, pilchard or saurie. Cast it from the boat, spin it off the beach or sling it from the stones – whatever your method for chasing pelagics, the Couta is a must-have in the tackle box!



  • Verstaile casting spoon/jig
  • Pre-rigged with high quality hook designed for lures
  • Fast Retrieve
  • Excellent on spanish mackerel, albacore, tuna, bluefish, jacks, stripers, sierra mackerel and roosterfish
  • Doubles up as a fantastic vertical jig when rigged with an assist hook on the front or fished “as is”


#1 – 28g | #2 – 45g

Additional information

#1 Pink Glow, #2 Chart Flash, #2 Green Glow, #2 Pink Glow, #2 Red Head