Flathead Soft Plastic Pack


This pack provides a well-rounded arsenal for tackling Flathead in Gold Coast’s diverse fishing spots. Try mixing up retrieves and locations to maximize your chances, and watch those Flathead start hitting hard! This pack contains a range of soft plastics and jigheads to suit, with the TT Flathead value pack giving you 25 jigheads in various weight and hook sizes, as well as a Plano Tackle Tray and 10lb Dangan Fluorocarbon leader.

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Flathead Soft Plastic Pack for Gold Coast Fishing 

Our Flathead Soft Plastic Pack is designed to give anglers the best selection of lures for targeting Flathead on the Gold Coast. Here’s a closer look at each lure in the pack, along with tips on where and how to fish them for the best results. 


Lures in the Flathead Soft Plastic Pack

  • ZMan MinnowZ: Known for its durability and lifelike movement, the Zman Minnowz is a versatile soft plastic ideal for shallow flats and estuaries. Its paddle tail creates vibrations that Flathead find hard to resist. Try it in spots like the Broadwater and around river mouths using a slow rolling retrieve, allowing the lure to glide close to the bottom where Flathead love to lie in wait can also be hopped along the bottom with a 2-3 hops then pause.
  • ZMan StreakZ Curly TailZ: With a unique curly tail that swims even with the lightest of movements, the ZMan StreakZ Curly TailZ is great for targeting deeper waters. Fish this lure near deep channels or ledges in places like the Nerang River using a lift-and-drop technique. This retrieve mimics injured baitfish, which will get the flatheads attention.
  • Berkley Gulp! 3″ Shrimp: The Berkley Gulp! Shrimp is well-known for its scent and texture, resembling natural prey. It works wonders around sandbanks and mudflats, like those near Southport. Use a hop-and-pause retrieve, letting the lure sit on the bottom briefly, which often triggers strikes from curious Flathead.
  • Berkley Gulp! 3.5″ Salty NipperResembling a prawn or small crustacean, the Salty Nipper is another scented option for fussy Flathead. Best suited for estuarine areas with plenty of structure, like mangrove-lined shorelines or also around yabby banks. A slow twitch-and-pause retrieve lets this lure imitate a foraging prawn, ideal for coaxing Flathead from hiding.
  • Rapala Crush City The Suspect: With its sleek, streamlined body, The Suspect is great for covering larger areas. Fish it around weed beds or sandy drop-offs near Runaway Bay. A steady, medium-paced retrieve works well, with occasional pauses to make the lure look like a wounded fish.
  • Rapala Crush City The Imposter: A versatile lure with a more subtle action, The Imposter is perfect for clear waters where a realistic presentation is key. Fish it near clear-water estuaries or rocky edges using a slow rolling retrieve. Adding an occasional twitch mimics the erratic swimming of a yabbie or prawn, attracting attention from lurking Flathead.
  • Gobblers 4″ Paddle Tail: This larger profile soft plastic creates a noticeable thump in the water, perfect for targeting big Flathead. It’s well-suited to deeper channels like those in the Pimpama River, Coomera, and Nerang Rivers rivers. A consistent slow roll along the bottom keeps it in the strike zone, and the added movement from the paddle tail attracts aggressive Flathead bites.
  • Atomic Plazos 3″ Prong: Designed with realistic appendages, the Plazos 3″ Prong imitates a prawn or small creature. Fish it around structure-heavy areas, like rock walls or submerged logs, using a jigging retrieve. This style keeps it close to the bottom, where Flathead are typically hiding, waiting to ambush prey. 


Where to Fish and Best Techniques 

  • Broadwater: Perfect for shallower lures like the ZMan Minnowz and Berkley Gulp! Shrimp. 
  • Nerang River: Ideal for deeper-running lures like ZMan StreakZ Curly TailZ and Gobblers Paddle Tail.
  • Southport: Great for using scented lures like the Berkley Gulp! Shrimp around sandbanks.
  • Runaway Bay & Pimpama River: Excellent for targeting larger Flathead with the Rapala Crush City lures and Atomic Plazos 3″ Prong. 


Retrieves to Use 

  • Slow Rolling: Best for covering ground and mimicking natural swimming action.
  • Lift-and-Drop: Effective in deeper channels; mimics injured baitfish.
  • Hop-and-Pause: Ideal for scent lures; mimics foraging shrimp or prawns.
  • Jigging Retrieve: Works well around structure; keeps the lure near the bottom where Flathead strike. 


This pack provides a well-rounded arsenal for tackling Flathead in Gold Coast’s diverse fishing spots. Try mixing up retrieves and locations to maximize your chances, and watch those Flathead start hitting hard! This pack also contains jigheads to suit your soft plastics with the TT Flathead value pack giving you 25 jigheads in various weight and hook sizes, as well a Plano Tackle Tray and 10lb Dangan Fluorocarbon leader.  


At over $150 in value for an exceptional price of $125. 


Please note: Image a guide only. Colours may vary. Should an item be out of stock, it will be replaced with a similar product of equal or greater value.