Crazee Minnow 96SF


The Crazee Minnow has a life-like darting action when twitched, perfectly mimicking injured baitfish. In a straight retrieve, it has a fish-like tight action to entice the hardest fish to bite. The Minnow 96SF is perfect for working in shallower waters such as saltwater flats and mangrove lines or above the weeds and around timbers in the freshwater.

96mm | 9g | Comes rigged with 2 x trebles.

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Ghost Wakasagi
Golden Shiner
Hologram Shad
Mirror Wakasagi
Pearl Ayu

96mm | 9g | Comes rigged with 2 x trebles.


The Crazee Minnow has a life-like darting action when twitched, perfectly mimicking injured baitfish. In a straight retrieve, it has a fish-like tight action to entice the hardest fish to bite.


The Crazee Minnow 96SF is a floating shallow diving minnow designed to fished with short sharp twitches which creates an erratic darting action in the water thanks to it’s small bib and long body design.

Its enticing side-to-side movement combined with a subtle wobble on the pause has proven to be irresistible on both salt and fresh water species such as Flathead, Trevally, Australian Bass, and Saratoga!


The Minnow 96SF is perfect for working in shallower waters such as saltwater flats and mangrove lines or above the weeds and around timbers in the freshwater. An extremely effective lure we use to target big flathead on the flats or Saratoga in the sticks.

Additional information

Crown, Ghost Wakasagi, Golden Shiner, Hologram Shad, Mirror Wakasagi, Pearl Ayu