Rapala Saltwater X-Rap Deep SXRD11


The X-Rap® Saltwater Deep takes the X-Rap® Saltwater to a whole new depth. Built tough with a through-wire construction, the X-Rap® Saltwater Deep is designed to withstand the savage strikes of aggressive predators like Barramundi, Murray Cod, Mangrove Jack and other predators lurking in the depths. The high definition colour range of the X-Rap® Saltwater Deep has covered all fishing situations allowing anglers to target predators in both fresh and saltwater.

11cm – 22g | Running Depth: 3m

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Glass Ghost
Golden Alburnus
Live Roach
Night Aurora
Twilight Zone UV

11cm – 22g | Running Depth: 3m

The X-Rap® Saltwater Deep takes the X-Rap® Saltwater to a whole new depth. Built tough with a through-wire construction, the X-Rap® Saltwater Deep is designed to withstand the savage strikes of aggressive predators like Barramundi, Murray Cod, Mangrove Jack and other predators lurking in the depths. The high definition colour range of the X-Rap® Saltwater Deep has covered all fishing situations allowing anglers to target predators in both fresh and saltwater.

Additional information

Glass Ghost, Golden Alburnus, Live Roach, Night Aurora, Twilight Zone UV