Mustad Ball Bearing Swivel with Welded Ring


From lightweight fishing through to the brutal world of game fishing, ball bearing swivels are used where anglers need their line to remain twist free. From 44lb through to 264lb, there is sure to be a Mustad Ball Bearing swivel to suit your fishing needs.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,
#2 44lb (Qty 4)
#3 77lb (Qty 3)
#4 88lb (Qty 3)
#6 176lb (Qty 2)
#7 264lb (Qty 2)

From lightweight fishing through to the brutal world of game fishing, ball bearing swivels are used where anglers need their line to remain twist free. From 44lb through to 264lb, there is sure to be a Mustad Ball Bearing swivel to suit your fishing needs.


Size Lb Kg Qty per pkt
#2 44lb 20kg 4
#3 77lb 35kg 3
#4 88lb 40kg 3
#6 176lb 80kg 2
#7 264lb 120kg 2
Additional information

#2 44lb (Qty 4), #3 77lb (Qty 3), #4 88lb (Qty 3), #6 176lb (Qty 2), #7 264lb (Qty 2)